Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shakers Trace Trail

Being the largest park in the Hamilton County Park District Miami Whitewater Forest has a lot to offer including some of the best trails I have seen in any park district.
One of those trails is the Shaker Trace Trail, which is more like two trails because it has an inner loop and an outer loop that are very different experiences.
Noki and I walked the inner loop this past week.  This trail is great for dog owners, families, elderly and the handicap.  It is a mild trail but challenging enough for some good exercise.
Noki, loves to jump and play so this course has a lot to offer her.
The inner loop is one of the “parcourse trails” the park district has.  What this means is it has several stations for people to do different exercises.  The exercises focus on several things including balance and cardio workouts.  However, for Noki this means she has different obstacles to jump over or run around.
She especially likes the balancing beam at the end of the trail (or beginning depending on which way you start).  We always spend a few minutes just hopping over the zigzagged balance beam.
Other than the exercises, we like to walk to the part of the trail that dips down underneath Mt Hope Rd. and meets the Whitewater River.  If it is raining, it is a good place to sit and eat a treat while you wait for the rain to go slow.  On a hot summer day, it is good for splashing about with your dog or skipping rocks in the river.
Noki and I love this trail.  She is always excited to go out and look at all the new people, but sometimes we do like the peaceful tranquility of a less travelled trail.
The Inner Loop, on a good day, is always busy and sometimes overcrowded.  And with all the bikes and the park district’s golf cart (goes around handing water to people during the summer) this trail is not quiet and does not allow you to peacefully walk with your thoughts.
If you want to see less foot traffic and still walk the trail visit early in the morning or later in the evening.  Another good time is when there is a good chance of rain.
If you are looking for an easy walk with the family or just wanting to get out and walk, this trail is definitely for you!

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